Lightning Trout – Largest Stocking EVER + Huge Tournament !!
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A NEW Standard in Trophy Trout… The “Big Bad Reds”

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Lightning Trout – Largest Stocking EVER + Huge Tournament !!

You don’t want to miss this weekend!! This is our largest stocking of Lightning Trout EVER and it will likely be the last stocking of the season. These beautiful trout are the ones that everybody waits all season to catch. They are a blast to catch, they are exceptionally hard fighters, but they are most famous for their delicious table fare. These are the trout, non-trout eater will eat all day long!! Lightning Trout have dark pink / ruby red meat and taste like the best salmon.

ALSO, on Saturday the 19th, it’s the HUGE Inflatable Navy Event and Tournament!! Thousands and thousands of dollars and BIG cash will be handed out like candy on Halloween. Visit for full details.