So I wanted to check out the Cat bite before our CATFISH TOURNAMENT August 3rd. I grabbed my fresh shrimp and took a boat out to bang out some Whiskers. I love fishing the tree line at Corona Lake and I wanted to see if the cats were holdin…g out in the trees. Well I was right! They were hiding in the shadows of the trees and by casting right in front of the trees was the hot ticket. What they do is they hide under the trees, sometimes in between the big roots of the trees and wait for something to eat. So, by casting right in front of a tree causes the Cats to come out of hiding to investigate the bait and POW they hit it! If you Hook Up fishing the trees, RULE NUMBER 1: MAKE SURE TO PULL THE FISH AWAY FROM THE TREES! Once the fish know they are hooked, they run straight back to the trees, which means your stuck! Keep rod tip pointed away from the trees. This time I used a 6 inch leader with a 1/4 ounce and 10 pound test for my set up. Why would I use such a small sinker? Because when fishing in the trees at Corona Lake, you will come across tons of natural structure, so having a heavy weight will only get you caught up. So, yes GOOD LUCK this weekend at the CATFISH TOURNAMENT! STAY BENT MY FRIENDS.