Cho Vo of Anaheim caught a monster 50 pound catfish using mackerel in the Big Lake at La Palma point and released the huge cat back into the Catfish Lake.
Ted Falcone of Anaheim caught & released a 15 pound catfish using Whoop Ass mackerel fishing in the Catfish Lake. Kevin Kaiser & Rick Sheets of Ontario were float tubing all around the Big Lake and caught 7 catfish totaling 17 pounds, their biggest was 5 pounds using mealworms & marshmallows.
Jim Lewis of Orange caught 5 catfish totaling 12 pounds using shrimp with marshmallows fishing in the Big Lake at the Boat Dock. Santa Ana River Lakes is open 6 days a week for Day & NIght fishing and currently stocking catfish every Thursday (closed on stocking days). We are actively monitoring water temperatures every day and are hoping to start stocking trout at the beginning of November. Visit FishingLakes.com for upcoming trout stocking information.