Fishing Reports CURRENT FISH REPORT 8/27/13 www.fishinglakes.comAugust 30, 2013 August 30, 2013 Corona Lake is a HOT SPOT for catfish & tilapia Corona Lake continues to crank out big limits of catfish & tilapia. Fisherm... 000 Continue reading
Fishing Reports CURRENT FISH REPORT 8/14/13 www.fishinglakes.comAugust 14, 2013 August 14, 2013 HUGE cats & HUGE limits being caught at SARL Heavy limits and big catfish have been on the chew at Santa Ana River Lakes. Angle... 000 Continue reading
Fishing Reports CURRENT FISH REPORT 8/7/13 www.fishinglakes.comAugust 8, 2013 Catfish bite is RED HOT at SARL Every week the catfish bite gets hotter & hotter at Santa Ana River Lakes. Big limits are being... 000 Continue reading
Fishing Reports CURRENT FISH REPORT 7/31/13 www.fishinglakes.comAugust 2, 2013 August 2, 2013 Overnight fishing is HOT at SARL Heavy stringers of catfish continue to pour out of Santa Ana River Lakes. Art & Shiela Harve... 000 Continue reading